
Pay for college with this easy-to-apply $1,000 scholarship

Getting a scholarship is a lot easier than it used to be

Scholarships for students of accredited universities abound, but you need to make sure yours is accredited

It’s one of every student’s worst nightmares: to have carefully investigated a school and enrolled in it, only to discover a few months later that the school is bound to lose its accreditation status. A number of factors can cause a school to lose accreditation and not all have to do to with the school poorly educating its students.

For example, a college can receive a warning if it has too few faculty members for the size of its student body. Another reason could be the university employing educators who lack the necessary educational backgrounds.

In many cases, the loss of accreditation might force the university to put an end to providing on-campus or online college classes. So it’s of absolute importance to do vast research before setting on a particular college. Investigate a school’s history of accreditation and do some research on the accreditation agency which provided the accreditation.

An easy way to determine whether you’re dealing with accredited schools online or offline is to see if they offer federal funding. Once a school loses accreditation, it will no longer be eligible to receive federal and state financial aid. A simple check the websites of accredited schools online or offline and you’ll easily be able to tell whether they offer federal scholarships or not.

Even if your on-campus or online college classes provider does award federal funding, you should still be on the lookout. Research any warnings the schools has received and see if they ever lost their accreditation before. Yes, indeed you can’t predict the future, but you can at least choose a school that appears to be on more solid footing with accreditation bodies over one which has been issues several warnings.

Accreditation is very important when you’re choosing a school to go to, so don’t treat this topic lightly.

On top of not being able to receive funding, you will probably have a hard time securing a job if you graduate with a degree form an unaccredited school.

So that you know, universities aren’t the only source of funding. You can find grants and scholarships at third party foundations and institutions –  although the majority are open for students of accredited universities. Take for example the Oz Moving & Storage College Scholarship Program.

It’s offered annually to a high school senior, undergraduate or graduate student. In order to be eligible to receive the $1,000 grant candidates will have to submit an essay based on a certain topic that will be posted on the Oz Moving website.

Since this year’s deadline has passed, make sure you revisit the website in a few months. Or you can sign up to receive updates on the matter by submitting your email address.

Essays are usually judged based on originality, creativity, readability, grammar and spelling. So make sure you proof-read your writing a few times before sending the result in for evaluation.

Since 2017’s call for applications deadline was June 15, we expect it to be similar next year. So, if you think you’d like to apply to this grant, make sure you bookmark it in your browser.


  1. I want to learn Marketing Management Now I have a Diploma in Management Assistants So what can I do to join the campus? I haven\\’t the ability to pay but I want to learn.

  2. Hello Im Christine Joy Pesayco From philippines Now I will becoming first year college I want to be a Medical technologist someday to help my family and Help those poor people who can\’t go to hospital because of finacial Problem like what I\’ve experience I want to motivate them that there\’s always a person who willing to help them. But because of my Financial Problem I need a scholarship to fullfill my dreams and goals in life I want to pay all the Sacrifices of my parents. I understand Why is that they can\’t support my college because my father is security guard and my mother has no work I have also Two sister who are schooling in Elementary that\’s why the salary of my father every month is not enough for our daily needs. Please if you read this kindly help me to pursue my dreams and help other people someday I will do all my best to be deserving in your scholarship program God Bless Always And Thank you.

  3. I want to learn computer science and technology. Now I have a BA in accounting. So what can I do to join the campus? I haven\’t the ability to pay but I want to learn.

  4. I\’m a student currently at the university in level 200 nursing student and I lost my dad also and financial constraints, I really need to continue my education

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  7. I would like to get financial help or a bursary into studing bachelor of education in the senior and intermediate phase. Please help

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