
Fulbright: Philippines Advanced Research and University Lecture Program – Award for Filipino

The Advanced Research and University Lecture Program: What’s in it?

The Fulbright Scholar Program offers this fellowship program for Filipino form the academe and to artists and professional who have strong background and potential. The grant allows Filipinos to conduct scholarly works in the United States. These scholarly works include conducting of lecture or research in the desired U.S. –based institution.

The Fulbright Scholar Program was established with the aim to promote mutual understanding between United States and to each countries in the world. The program gives chance to students from United States to study to a country of their choice and student from each countries to study to United States. Fulbrighters are expected to share their learnings upon their return to their home country.

One of the most exciting part of being a Fulbrighter is the chance to establish professional contacts. You could use these contacts to enhance research and professional collaboration. For the faculty, the program allows the faculty to pursue smoothly research and scholarly work. Exposure to a foreign country allows understanding of culture for the benefit of the home country of the Fulbrighter.

The Perks

The grant provides for international travel allowances (back-and-forth) for the grantee. The grant also provides for allowances which includes maintenance, relocation, transportation, and limited accident and sickness insurance. Professional allowance is also provided. Allowance is also provided for one dependent provided that the dependent will spend at least eighty percent with the grantee for the period.

The Duration

The award will cover at least three months to not more than five months of scholarly works. You should commence your program from August of the year of awarded as earliest to 15th of January of the following year. Grants are not subject to any renewal or extension.

Do you have what it takes? The Eligibility

You must possess all of these following requirements to be eligible for the award:

  • Filipino citizenship
    • You must be a Philippine-passport holder. You are not eligible if you are applying or holding permanent residence to the United States or if you are dual citizen which you are both citizens of the Philippines and United States of America.
  • Doctoral Degree
    • You must have already earned a doctoral degree at the time of your application.
  • Equivalent professional training or experience
    • This requirement is applicable to professionals and artists who are not in the academe.
  • Work plan of your scholarly work in the United States
    • Your scholarly work should contribute to your advancement and it should be susceptbile of completion within the period prescribed in this program
  • English Proficiency
  • Physical and Mental Health
  • NBI Clearance –
    • This clearance is provided by the National Buruea of Invetigation. The clearance will declare your current standing in case if you have or does not have any pending criminal cases.

Things to Do

You must apply within the period from 5th of July to 6th of October. You must submit your application together with the required documents to the PAEF office on or before 6th of October.

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Good Luck!

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