
Looking for funds for you online degree? Try applying to this $1,000 grant

Online students can get scholarships just like any other learner

Online students are invited to apply to this $1,000 scholarship with a summer deadline offered by MyBioSource

There are many benefits of obtaining your degree online. Perhaps the biggest one is flexibility. What differentiates, for example a masters degree online from a traditional one is that you can complete the former at your own time. This way, students can hold on to jobs or spend more time with their families while completing their masters degree online.

While this might be the main reason why people choose online degrees, many learners also jump on board with an associate degree online or bachelor program because they are more cost-effective. However, you should expect drastically cheaper classes simply because you are enrolled with an associate degree online or masters one.

You will, however be able to save money you’d otherwise spend on housing, travelling and book materials and that’s an important aspect. Even so, you need to be aware that the published tuition and fees of both public and private institutions are on the rise. With the past few years, fees have gone up with an average of 14% and continue to do so.

So regardless of whether you’re going to school offline or online, you should start searching for scholarships as soon as possible. Even if online education is a bit friendlier on the wallet, it’s still quite expensive, especially if you haven’t anything saved up.

If that’s your case also, applying for scholarships and grants might be your only hope of paying for college, at least in part.

The first place to look for funding is with your online university. Access their website and see if they have anything listed or simply call their office and inquire in person. Or you could turn to the world wide web for help.

Just open up a browser on your desktop computer of laptop and start searching for scholarship opportunities. You’ll find they are all over the place and accept online students readily. Here’s an example of such a scholarship proposal.

MyBioSource is looking to award five awards annually to students who are enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program with an accredited university at the time of the application.

While MyBioSources is a biotechnological products distribution company, the scholarship is open to students of all majors, although those enrolled with a STEM degree will certainly have an advantage. You’ll see why in a minute.

In order to apply for this scholarship, candidates are required to compose a 250-word essay in which they explain why they’ve chosen their specific college major and give reasons of why they should be awarded a scholarship.

They also have to fill out a form in which they provide details about the college they are attending, major of choice, as well as offer insights into their volunteer activities and any skills/experience/publications they might have in the STEM field. Here’s where being a STEM student might prove advantageous and will impress the judges.

You have until June 30, 2018 to apply, so you have plenty of time to come up with an interesting essay that will draw attention upon yourself.


  1. Congratulation for the service that you are offering to the society I have finished high school,,,in Tanzania am looking for the university and scholarship that will make me pursuemy medicine courses

  2. I would like to finish with my studies in Social Work. I have a bac +4. I would like to have a Master in Family Counseling. I would like to specialize in group social work.
    I ask for your financial help. I live in Haiti

  3. I would like to further my education I have completed city and guilts level 2 technician with best grade… Am still at home luck of fund, can I get your help Mr.manager of getting a scholarship to find my way out to school again…

  4. I will comlete my degree in dec2018 of finance.but ineed your support in masters level. thanks for your support

  5. Hi am doing masters in chemistry. I want to Mphil but I cannot do this because am orphan and I have no elder brother. Uncle is also died. I have seven younger brothers and sisters. Please any body help me for my studies.

  6. Dear scholarship manager I want to get this scholarship offer for my educational expenses because my home situation is some badly. I humbly requested you sir for give scholarship. I will be thanks a lots ,if you give me scholarship for my study.

  7. i too jst concluded my ijmb finishing with 10pts. i need help, i mean scolarship to further my education due to lack of fund. thanks

  8. Hie I\’m done with my A level doing (maths ,biology and geography) but I\’m seating home because of lack of funds

  9. hie im i passed A level with (Accounting———A
    Bussiness studies—–C
    but right now im seated at home due to lack of funds

  10. To those who are looking for the way to continue their studies but lacking the funds they can try looking for bursaries or scholarships to fund them online especially if your grades results are great

  11. Did you know the are colleges that you can study from distance online you do not need to attend classes so I would suggest you try that

  12. i completed my secondary education I related to poor family no one can payd for me because of poor and i want to continue in this action please I need help!

  13. I am completed secondary education I related poor family and I want to continue my education so for this action plz plz help me!…

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