
First in the family to attend college? StudySoup is rewarding you $2000

Being successful in school can be pretty tough since every class has hours of lectures and readings and during midterms, students feel so overwhelmed that they do not know what is the first thing they should start with. Nevertheless, there will always be those top students who simply know how to meet the learning challenges. StudySoup decided to empower these students and offer them the appropriate online space where they can make some money by submitting their study materials so that their peers will manage to overcome their personal learning challenges being helped by them. At the end of the day everyone is pleased.

Besides the common benefits, StudySoup is offering a scholarship to a lucky college student who has faced a multitude of challenges to be where he/she is now. However, the college student should be the first is his family to attend college. StudySoup is rewarding one exceptional work built on the struggle and success of overcoming this barrier. Hence, the lucky college student will receive a scholarship this semester valued at $2000. The college student will have to demonstrate commitment to his/her education, leadership qualities and, of course, the skills to triumph over challenges.

The applicants should be at least 16 years old and meet the following admission requirements:

The college students are currently attending high school and will be attending an accredited university or college in the following academic year. Students who are currently attending an accredited university or college, precisely undergrads and graduates students are also considered eligible.

Students who are interested should access the following link and apply https://studysoup.com/scholarships/first-in-family. Applicants will have to submit their answers to the following questions in the link from above:

1. Describe the impact of being the first person in your family to attend college.

2. What do you plan to do with your college degree? Include details about both your short term and long term goals?

3. Describe a time that you have lead a team of your peers. Be sure to define your goals, actions, and results!

The students are advised to answer to these questions properly based on their personal life stories. Providing the proper answers is also a good exercise which will help them meditate over the situations that shaped them into the champions they are now. All the answers will be filled in the boxes presented in the above link.

The closing date for the scholarship is December 31st, 2017.


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