
Online bachelor degree in Business Administration at EU

When you think about the experience you can have throughout college, most probably some of the pictures that come in mind are with student houses and parties and drinking contest. But let’s face it, these are mostly created by the media and the movies we’ve been watching since we were kids. Going to college really means expanding your knowledge in the area you’ve chosen to dedicate yourself to. It may be some of the most important periods in your life as you get to know yourself better and ask the question you’ve always dreamed to answer to: what do you want to do?

Even if this may have never crossed your mind, enrolling in an university doesn’t necessarily imply moving to the city where the chosen university is located. And this is where online universities intervene. The online college degree you can obtain gives you much more flexibility compared to the regular one as you manage the time you have in your own way. Following a college degree online doesn’t mean losing touch with the teachers or fellow peers as the virtual platforms that are put at your disposal manage to fill that gap. There are many programmes of online bachelor degree you can choose from as more and more universities have been developing this type of online college degree.

For example, if you aspire to be a brand manager, market planner, project or marketing manager, while gaining the flexibility I’ve already talked about, the online bachelor degree in Business Administration offered by EU Business School is one of the best options. This online college degree is designed for working professionals that already have a five years experience on which they can back up their learning process. Receiving this online college degree will equip you with theoretical and conceptual knowledge and will strengthen your work experience and prepare you for your graduate studies.

Being an online bachelor degree, it mirrors the EU’s Executive BBA and it offers its students the opportunity to take part in conferences, industrial visits, tutorials, exams. One thing that is not common to following the courses of a college degree online, is that it gives you the chance to spend one week at one of the school’s main campuses. The program is presented through a platform which is used by the lecturers to give their students a truly blended learning experience.

Enrolling in a college degree online also means having less to pay than the normal tuition fees and you can also think about completing scholarship applications in order to get your studies funded. The scholarships applications have to be complete with extreme attention and rigorously checked if you want your chances of winning such a scholarship to be as high as possible. Filling in scholarship applications is not a piece of cake, but when you start thinking of all the upsides, the work doesn’t seem that hard any more.

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