
From 25% to full tuition waivers offered to International postgraduate students at Near East University, Turkey

Established in 1988 in Nicosia, the capital of North Cyprus, The Near East University (NEU) is an international higher education institution where 26.000 students across the world are being taught at higher education standards. The NEU comprises 16 faculties with 220 departments and programs, 4 graduate schools with 200 grads and undergrads programs, 4 high schools, and international memberships. The university is the perfect spot for students who wish to embrace an international environment feeling at the same time that they are studying home.

The NEU is currently offering postgraduate scholarships which will be granted to all students giving them the opportunity to commence their postgraduate studies in an international environment. The amount offered ranges from 25% tuition waivers to a full tuition scholarship. The scholarships are available only for Master students (with thesis) and Ph.D. students.

The list with all the available programs can be found at the link below: http://aday.neu.edu.tr/postgraduate-applications-for-masters-and-phd-programs/postgraduate-programs/?lang=en . Before submitting their application for the scholarship, students need to select a program of choice and apply for it.

Which are the requirements for applications to postgrad programs at the Near East University? First of all and foremost, the students must have graduated from a BSc or BA level undergraduate program. Students must have scored a minimum of 55, relevant to intended study field from ALES – Academic Postgrad Exam. It is applicable only to Turkish citizens.

IMPORTANT NOTE! Students applying to the Faculty of Medicine or Dentistry must have knowledge of the Turkish Language before the clinical training begins. The language of instruction in both faculties is Turkish. There, foreign students who are applying to departments where programs are taught in Turkish are required to provide Turkish proficiency.

The documents required for application are as follows:

1. A copy of the undergraduate diploma.

2. The application form which can be downloaded and filled from here: http://aday.neu.edu.tr/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/2015/06/NEU-Graduate-Studies-application-2017-1.pdf

3. Turkish applicants are required to provide ALES results.

4. The entrants must submit a transcript, their academic records.

5. Also, the entrants must provide a copy of their passport, 2 reference letters, a CV.

6. Applicable only for PhD students – entrants should provide a Master Diploma.

All the required documents and applications should be gathered and submitted at info@neu.edu.tr with the reference sign “ISOSH-2018”. The closing date for the submissions is September 15th, 2017. The results will be announced on August 7th, 2nd of September and 22nd of September.

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